List of rising and Martingale roulette system
The rising or martingales are actually playing methods to increase the chances for the player. The goal is to win against the casino. There are many methods developed more or less or with variations. We give here a partial list of major martingales to play at the online roulette or real. The big advantage of playing online is that we all have our time to put our thinking was. We may have something to record the results and our calculations also take breaks whenever you want.
All martingales are based on bets on "simple" luck.
Test Martingales in DEMO Mode
You can test the martingale DEMO mode without any risk on LuckyAceCasino. The games are also available in Flash version to play without installing anything on your computer. Attention all the casinos do not necessarily offer the same customer service and can be "coaxing" to make regulations. You can even have a single spokesperson English on hotlines. We select only the best casinos for you. Among them is a reference LuckyAceCasino.
List of major Martingales and Rising promos on Roulette
- The Hawks martingale system or Simple Martingale
- The Great Martingale system
- The prolonged martingale system
- The Alembert Rising system or Alembert Martingale system
- The against Alembert Rising system
- The Piquemouche martingale system
- The Whittacker martingale system
- The Whittacker martingale system variant
- The American Rising system or American martingale system
- The Holland Rising system
- The Paroli martingale system
- The Wells martingale system
- The 7 bowls martingale system
- The rising in earning on 24 numbers system
- The rising in earning on 24 numbers system variant
- The dozen martingale system on 24 numbers
- The rising losing on Paroli
- The Sawtooth martingale system
- The martingale by increments
- The belgium martingale system
- The Martin Yung martingale system
- repetition number martingale system
- System of 32 to 35 number
- Sectors of cylinder